The Board

About our Board of Directors

Our board of directors includes representatives from local school districts, institutions of higher education, the local workforce board, and local industry. As a nonprofit organization focused on improving educational and employment outcomes for youth in Lane County, we recognize the vital role that our board plays in guiding our organization toward success.

Colt Gill, Interim Superintendent, Eugene School District 4J

Ashley Espinoza, Executive Director, Lane Workforce Partnership

Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Assistant Dean for Administration, Director for Equity and Inclusion, University of Oregon College of Education

Grant Matthews, Associate VP for CTE & Workforce Development, Lane Community College

Jason Harris, Community and Economic Development Manager, Lane County

Judy Newman, Co-Director, Early Childhood Cares

Heidi Brown, Superintendent, Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District

Kraig Sproles, Superintendent, Bethel School District

Laura Lee McIntyre, Interim Dean, University of Oregon College of Education

Matt Sayre, Executive Director, Collaborative EDO

Skip Newberry, President, Tech. Assoc. of Oregon

Todd Hamilton, Superintendent, Springfield Public Schools

Tony Scurto, Superintendent, Lane Education Service District

Carmen Xiomara Urbina, Eugene School District 4J

Renee Francis, Manager Career Development and Retention, PeaceHealth

Strategic Vision

Our board is responsible for setting the strategic vision for Connected Lane County, and they have been working tirelessly to help us develop the infrastructure and build the capacity necessary to achieve our goals. This includes encouraging us to focus on helping youth develop critical employability skills, which is essential for their success in today's competitive job market.

We're confident that our organization is well-positioned for growth, and the board is committed to ensuring that we reach our full potential by continuing to prioritize healthy teamwork and successful collaboration. By working together towards our shared goals, we can create a brighter future for the youth of Lane County and help them achieve their full potential.

Tools on a work desk

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