Industry Experiences

Industry Partnerships

Our relationship with industry partners is a unique piece of what makes our Elevate program so successful. We work closely with local businesses to create robust experiences for youth and educators. Check out ways to get involved below.

Host an Experience

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Host a Booth at our Career Expo

Our annual Middle School Career Exploration event is hosted each fall, typically in November! The Career Expo offers youth the chance to explore local professions through interactive, hands-on activities with professionals from local companies.

This event is for 8th-graders. 

Stay tuned for the 2025 Career Expo! 

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Host a Booth at our Hiring Fair

If you are a Lane County business with open entry-level positions, you can apply to host a booth! The Hiring Fair is designed to help you connect with graduating seniors eager to find full- and part-time employment. Don't miss this chance to connect with the incoming workforce! There is a $50 booth fee once approved.

View the Hiring Fair page for more info.

2025 Hiring Fair: Thursday, May 8, 2025

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Host a Student

Student job shadows, internships, and other experiences give students a first-hand look at your industry, allowing them to make the most informed decisions possible about their future careers.

Please download our Industry Internship Guide to learn more. If you are interested in hosting a student, contact us at [email protected].

Check out Upcoming Events

The Connected Lane County events calendar lists all upcoming events and experiences for our organization. You can subscribe to the calendar to display the events on your Google, Outlook, or Yahoo calendars.

Mentor a Youth

Elevate VR Set

Become a codeORcreate Mentor

codeORcreate is an annual three-day hackathon hosted each December for Lane County youth. This year, we've merged codeORcreate and marketingJAM into one exciting weekend competition, celebrating all things creative and innovative.

Teams are paired with an industry mentor to build a website, app, or video game. We’re always looking for industry mentors with experience in coding, website design, graphic design, game development, marketing, branding, and business to guide these teams. Please contact us at [email protected] to get involved.

2024 codeORcreate: Friday, December 13 - Sunday, December 15, 2024

Spark on 7th Snack Bar

Every month, you'll receive updates about events, opportunities, and ways to partner with us.